Friday, April 30, 2010

Scarlet-backed flowerpecker

I saw two small birds that appeared to be fighting in mid-air until one flew away and the other one, with feathers ruffled, decided to rest on a branch high up on a tree. I would not have been able to see this pretty little bird for the first time if I was not on the tree-top walk between the Hortpark and Telok Blangah Hill. Even with my 250 mm zoom lens I could not get a good close-up of this bird. It was only on my computer with some cropping of the original photos that fortunately had enough megapixels to spare, that I could see what this bird looks like in reality. I checked through the two books that I have on Birds in Singapore and found that it resembles the Scarlet-backed flowerpecker. The pictures in the book and those on the internet show that there is a red streak down the back of the male bird, which I could not see because it was facing me all the time. The red patch on the top of its head indicate that this bird is the Scarlet-backed flowerpecker. My friend and I were indeed very blessed to have encountered this little creature because according to the book, this bird is not easy to photograph because they are always on the move and are always found high up on trees. So we were truly lucky and it made my day, certainly.

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