Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Birds that flew into my view

I have never seen Collared Kingfishers as fat as these. I just love the blue of their feathers.
Caught with the limited zoom facility of my Canon IXUS. Better this than not at all. A profile to confirm that it's not just fluffed-up feathers.
From afar I had not thought that this was a Spotted Dove. Those I've seen in my garden are smaller in size and much slimmer. This one has a lump on its chest. Front and back view, that was all I managed to capture before it flew off as I advanced to take a closer look.
A flash of colour streaked across my path and materialised as this White-throated Kingfisher.
Those birds above were spotted along East Coast Park. This one was spotted in West Coast Park.
So much for the week on birds. The nest in my bougainvillea shrub has been rather quiet. I hope the bulbuls have not abandoned it.

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